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Weissensee Gathering 2023


Weissensee Gathering 2023


Weissensee Gathering 2023

Collection par StevieT

6 Tours

07:52 h

62,8 km

2 020 m

Discover the breathtaking beauty of Weissensee, a hidden gem nestled amidst the stunning Austrian Alps. This idyllic destination beckons adventure seekers and nature lovers alike with its remarkable range of outdoor activities. Embark on an unforgettable journey through untouched landscapes and immerse yourself in a world of boundless possibilities.For the avid hiker, Weissensee boasts an extensive network of trails, offering panoramic vistas of snow-capped peaks, lush meadows, and crystal-clear lakes. Traverse the Alpine routes and breathe in the invigorating mountain air as you explore the region's rich biodiversity. Whether you prefer leisurely strolls or challenging treks, there's a path for every level of expertise.Take to the azure waters of Weissensee, renowned for its purity and clarity. Dive into a plethora of aquatic adventures, from swimming and kayaking to paddleboarding and fishing. Explore the depths on a scuba diving expedition or cruise the tranquil lake on a romantic boat ride, soaking in the serenity and marveling at the surrounding alpine grandeur.For mountain bikers there are over 150km of single track trails winding down from the top of the mountain to the lake. A handy uplift service means you can squeeze in a few extra runs before the sun goes down!With its unspoiled natural beauty and an array of outdoor activities, Weissensee promises an unforgettable experience for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. Discover the untamed beauty that awaits in this Alpine paradise.




  1. It's all Ion's fault! 🌧️🏃🌧️

    6,65 km
    10,1 km/h
    40 m
    40 m

    Ceci est une tournée clickbait 🤣

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  3. 01:20
    17,2 km
    12,9 km/h
    1 130 m
    1 140 m
  4. 03:04
    24,0 km
    7,8 km/h
    540 m
    540 m
    Course Ă  pied - Expert. Excellente condition physique nĂŠcessaire. Excellente maĂŽtrise, chaussures rĂŠsistantes et expĂŠrience alpine exigĂŠes.
  5. 00:49
    6,52 km
    8,0 km/h
    260 m
    270 m
  6. 01:19
    6,49 km
    4,9 km/h
    10 m
    10 m
    RandonnĂŠe - Facile. Tous niveaux de condition physique. Sentiers facilement accessibles. Tous niveaux.

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    62,8 km
  • DurĂŠe
    07:52 h
  • ÉlĂŠvation
    2 020 m

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