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Sentiers de vélo de montagne

The Tweed Valley — Scotty's Scotland Showcase

Sentiers de vélo de montagne

The Tweed Valley — Scotty's Scotland Showcase

Scotty Laughland

The Tweed Valley — Scotty's Scotland Showcase

VTT - Collection par Scotty Laughland

2 Tours

05:01 h

38,2 km

1 280 m

In the heart of the Scottish Borders, the Tweed Valley has got to be Scotland’s MTB epicentre, home to the Glentress and Innerleithen trail centres and plenty of natural riding too.

Glentress was one of the first ever MTB trail centres I ever visited. It’s got something for everyone from the rider starting out on a balance bike right up to the seasoned pro. To showcase the variation on offer, we explored the range of Glentress’ offerings, machine made trails, trail centre trails and hand cut trails. I’ll admit it was fun just having a session in the freeride park!

Next we headed to the Golfie, made famous by the Enduro World Series (EWS), where all the trails here are entirely natural, hand built and maintained.

Watching the scene develop here has been mind blowing, it started out with one trail and has grown to trails being everywhere in the forest. The passionate locals and trail association vigorously work to make it as good as it is.

I rode three trails here, Avalanche is steep, technical and loose. New York New York is fast and flowing before diving in the trees where it gets tight. 2nd Base has huge hand built berms that flow incredibly well. If you love natural trails then this is the place for you.

Riding here brought back a lot of memories and I can’t wait to see how the Tweed Valley continues to develop as a destination for mountain bikers!

This series has been created carbon neutral: all our journey emissions have been offset and the advertising revenue generated from the YouTube series will be split between planting more native trees in Scotland and the local trail associations. Check out the Tours below to go and sample these trails for yourself!




  1. Glentress — The Tweed Valley: Scotty's Scotland Showcase

    23,1 km
    7,4 km/h
    660 m
    660 m

    Près de Peebles, Glentress a été la première destination de vélo de montagne établie en Écosse, et maintenant toute la vallée de la Tweed est devenue folle de vélo !


    Berm Baby Berm est un sentier bleu, il est fluide, serpente bien à travers la forêt et c'est très amusant pour tout le monde, des vélos

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine


  2. La Golfie a vraiment été mise sur la carte par les Enduro World Series, et ce qui était autrefois une scène réservée aux locaux est maintenant visité par des coureurs du monde entier.


    Avalanche est une piste escarpée, lâche et schisteuse avec de grandes vues sur Innerleithen sur la descente sinueuse de

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine


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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    38,2 km
  • Durée
    05:01 h
  • Élévation
    1 280 m

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