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Värmdö Notholmarna overnight bikepacking


Värmdö Notholmarna overnight bikepacking


Värmdö Notholmarna overnight bikepacking

Collection par Jiddo

2 Tours

06:26 h

121 km

1 350 m

Decided to warm up for the bikepacking season with a nice overnighter in the sunny weekend weather. I really wanted as much sun as possible, and I wanted views of open water. After searching the map for a while I finally found this area. Specifically "Notholmarna" on the eastern coast of Djurö in Värmdö municipality. I had never been in this area before, and was excited to check it out. The road there and back was pretty standard and uneventful. The layout of the archipelago means that there is usually only one or a few roads leading to the outermost areas, so I had to follow that in both directions. Once I got there it was all totally worth it. The islands were completely soaked in the evening sun and the views over the water were out of this world. I quickly found a good site for my camp and it even had a good fireplace already. Score!By the time the sun set I had just gotten my camp and my fire all ready. Once the sun had set the temperatures fell pretty quickly, but the fire kept things warm enough while I cooked and ate dinner. I slept really well in my warm and cozy sleeping bag with the sound of waves against the rocky shores lulling me to sleep. The next day I stayed on the island until noon and just enjoyed the sun, the calm and the solitude. Mostly by relaxing in my hammock with a view of the ocean. Finally, the ride back home went pretty fast and smooth, but was pretty much the same as the way out, but with even more paved and often bigger roads. But at least I made good time! All in all it was a great trip, and I hope to go back there again. Maybe during the summer?



Tours et Incontournables

  1. Värmdö Notholmarna bikepacking - Day 1

    66,7 km
    17,3 km/h
    770 m
    830 m
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  3. Islets "Notholmarna"

    Sortie à vélo - Incontournable

    Deux îlots adjacents avec une nature magnifique et une vue imprenable sur la mer. Le premier peut être atteint en suivant un court chemin forestier, mais le second nécessite de patauger dans de l'eau pour y accéder. Il n'y a ni maisons ni constructions. Juste quelques petits sentiers à pied. Bel endroit pour faire une pause ou pour installer le camp. De plus, il y a des endroits qui semblent appropriés si vous allez nager!

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine

    Avis par Jiddo

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Incontournables
  • Distance
    121 km
  • Durée
    06:26 h
  • Élévation
    1 350 m

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